December 27, 2011
study week yg 'best'
untuk pengetahuan telah pun berada di minggu stdy week yg sgt2 best plus heaven gila...ahhaahah...
untuk stdy week kali ni saya ada 3 test, 2 presentation n 1 assingnment submission...cntik kan number 2?
ni la pengorbanan seorang student...kalau last sem sempat la jgak balik bumi kedah semester ni tak tahu la sempat balik ke x...huhuhu...sedih?
mestilah sedih...tapi setiap benda yang kita contribute akan dapat hasilnya...kita tak nampak hasilnya sekarang but who know's one day nnty kan? all of u...wish me luck yer
p/s :thanks 2 adibah zawani sbb menemani saya tidor di malam2 yang lalu...hahahahah
November 28, 2011
esok blum tentu lagi...
lain yg kiter rancang lain lak yg terjadi
lain yg kiter nak lain lak yg datang mengganti
lain yg kiter impikan lain lak yg realiti.
hidup jgn lah terlalu mengharap benda yg tk pasti
bangun berlari ke depan sepuas hati
biarkan sejauh mana kaki ingin melangkah pergi
jgn disekat kebebasan dalam diri
biarkan terpancar sinar kebahagiaan dihati
kerna hidup kiter hanya sekali.
walaupun byk bende yg ingin kite kejari
jgn dilupakan tujuan hidup yg sebenar ini
kerna takdir perkara yg kiter tk pasti
kematian bukan hanyalah mimpi
hanya menunggu masa datang mengunjungi diri
hiduplah dengan sepenuh hati
kerna esok masih blum tentu lagi
by : redmalicious
November 24, 2011
tba2 feeling nk share something today
bila kita mengharapkan mimpi indah dan tiba2 mimpi tersebut menjadi nightmare, apa patut kita buat?
bila kita mengharap supaya semuanya berjalan seperti biasa tetapi nasib tidak menyebelahi kita, apa tindakan kita?
saya berpegang pada satu prinsip bahawa hidup tak semestinya secerah kita idamkan.kita boleh merancang tetapi jangan mengharap rancangan kita akan menjadi seperti dihrpkan sebab langit tak selalunya cerah n Allah always have better plan for us.
for the past few days sy melaui hari2 yang sukar. YES!....sukar gila...tapi again,saya cuba menjdaikan kesuakaran tu satu hikmat n here i am...Alhamdulillah.
for u, my bestie (u know i was talking about you, fren)
hope u can create the smile again on your face
hope you can vanish your trauma
i love u friend,
i don't want that such things happen to u, me n either to anyone i know...
jauhkanlah kami semua dari bala dan sihir yang menghinggap,
jauhkanlah kami dari azab api neraka,
kurniakanlah kami kekuatan dan petunjukMu untuk menghadapi hari-hari yang mendatang
sesungguhnya hanya padaMu hambaMu ini memohon dan menadah kedua-dua belah tangan...
November 8, 2011
bila sy sedih....

salam 2 all of u...
hari 2 sy sempat la on phone dgn syahida azureen sekejap....n byk la benda yang kami share...antaranya,cerita cinta tak kesampaian saya...ahahahha...then zureen ada mintak saya tengok satu status dia....n Alhamdulillah...whenever i feel upset now saya akn tengok status 2...klu awk sedih,awk pon tengok la status 2..insyaAllah rsa sedih 2 akn beransur hilang...
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu,dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu,Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui," Al-Baqarah 216

then, sy x ingat saya baca dekat wall spa tp ada la dekat wall slh sorg kwn di fb sy....dlm quote 2 berbunyi lbh krg mcm ni la " don't be sad when we being left by someone because it is one step for you to your matchmade"....lebih kurang begitu la bunyiknya....
then, saya pegnag cakap mama saya...
so....2 all of u...jgn sedih2...kalau sedih tgk la quote2 ni...sekian...terima kasih
some quote from bestfriend :)
this song n me!
siti nurhaliza :- bicara manis menghiris kalbu
Satu per satu teman
Ada disekeliling mu
Satu per satulah jua
Tinggalkan diri mu
Cumalah aku sahaja
Yang masih lagi bertahan
Memendam rasa
Bulan madu yang indah
Sudah sampai kehujungnya
Engkau pun mula berubah
Dan beralih arah
Kata-kata manis
Tiada lagi ku dengar
Hidup ku pula makin tawar
Tiap bicara manis
Bagaikan selumbar bisa
Kau tanam di jiwa
Tak terlihat oleh pandangan
Mata mu
Tiap bicara manis
Memujuk dan merayu ku
Tak usah berlalu
Dan merajuk bawa hati pilu
Andai sudah tiba masa
Dan tiada jodoh kita
Biar kita berpisah... dari merana
Tiap bicara manis
Bagaikan selumbar bisa
Kau tanam di jiwa
Tak terlihat oleh pandangan
Mata mu
Tiap bicara manis
Memujuk dan merayu ku
Tak usah berlalu
Dan merajuk bawa hati pilu
Keikhlasan hati ku
Bukanlah untuk di balas
Cukuplah sekadar
Jadi kenangan waktu berjauhan
Tiap bicara manis
Bagaikan selumbar bisa
Kau tanam di jiwa
Tak terlihat oleh pandangan mata mu
Andai sudah tiba masa
Dan tiada jodoh kita
Biar kita berpisah...
Dari merana
so...sbb 2 la skg sy ska mnyanyi lagu to rumate sy iaiatu e'ein sbb knalkn lagu ni pda sya...klu x sebelum ni saya x perasan sgt lirik lagu nie....:)
November 7, 2011
pengorbanan di hari raya korban
lma jgak sy x update blog tercinta nie...well2....mklumla buzy gila...sorry taw
so di kesempatan ni x terlambat rsanya sy nk wish selamat hari raya korban utk smua yg mengenali diri ni...
ok balik kepada kisah hari raya aidil adha a.k.a hari raya korban...mari kita renung sejenak sejarah hari raya korban ni...selain dari meraikan umat islam yang berjaya mengerjakan haji hari raya korban ni juga ada sejarah tersendiri iaitu ibadah korban dilakukan sempena memperingati kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s yang sanggup menyembelih anak kesayangannya Nabi Ismail a.s kerana taat kepada perintah ALLAH. Namun, berkat kesabaran serta ketaatan kedua-dua ayah dan anak ini maka ALLAH telah menggantikannya dengan seekor binatang ketika Nabi Ibrahim sudah bersedia menyembelih anaknya itu. Peristiwa ini telah dirakamkan oleh ALLAH sebagaimana firman ALLAH S.W.T:
"Maka ketika anaknya itu sampai (ke peringkat umur yang membolehkan dia) berusaha bersama-sama dengannya, Nabi Ibrahim berkata: Wahai anak kesayanganku! Sesungguhnya aku melihat dalam mimpiku bahawa aku akan menyembelihmu. Apakah pendapatmu? Anaknya menjawab: Wahai ayah, lakukanlah apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu. Insya ALLAH, ayah akan mendapati aku termasuk orang-orang yang sabar.
Setelah kedua-duanya berserah bulat-bulat (menjunjung perintah ALLAH itu), Nabi Ibrahim merebahkan anaknya dengan meletakkan iringan mukanya di atas tompok tanah. (KAMI sifatkan Ibrahim dengan kesungguhan azamnya itu telah menjalankan perintah KAMI).
Lantas KAMI menyerunya: Wahai Ibrahim! Engkau telah menyempurnakan maksud mimpi yang engkau lihat itu. Demikianlah sebenarnya KAMI membalas orang-orang yang berusaha mengerjakan kebaikan.
Sesungguhnya perintah ini adalah satu ujian yang nyata dan KAMI tebus anaknya itu dengan seekor binatang sembelihan yang besar serta KAMI kekalkan baginya (nama yang harum) di kalangan orang-orang yang datang terkemudian." – Surah al-Soffaat: 101-108.
begitulah rentetan ceritanya...cerita 2 sy quote dr blog la jenguk2 nnty yer
so berkisar pada hari raya korban tahun ni...saya telah mengorbankan masa dengan family which is saya habiskan masa dengan membuat esaimen yang menggunung tingginya...setinngi saya mungkin....masalahnya tinggi ke saya?ahaahaah
untuk raya aidiladha kali ni saya juga kena berkorban perasaan when org yg sy pnah syg meninggalkan terpaksa korbankan rasa di hati demi kepuasan hati dia...pling penting sy kena berkorban supaya tidak menangis depan family as last year msa mcm ni la si dia dtg berya dekat umah saya...masih igtkah kamu?mesti x igt kan? ~sigh~
n untuk raya korban ni juga saya juga korbankan masa tido saya untuk wat esaimen yang banyak gila 2...jdi bla dh stress sgt 2 sy pon terpksa korbakn sdkit msa n msuk chatroom...mcm2 gelagat sy yg ajak kawen,ad yg kta fall in love...klu yg nk berkenalan 2 besala kn....ahahaaah...siap ad yg pm pki im love2 2...ahahahaah...
ini la cerita hari raya korban saya...pling penting saya juga korban utk x amik mknan berat sbb nk jga diet sy....
sekian cerita di hari raya korban...bye2... jmpa lagi untuk post akan datang
October 25, 2011
fund raising-car wash

salam 2 all of u....
mai sini sat
chek nak cerita something....
macam ni...
28/10,29/20 n 30/10 nnty course chek nak collect order 2 kami wat car wash pnya activity...
tak mahal pon....
kereta- rm10
mpv -rm 15....
mai la rmi2 bawak kereta pak menakan,tok menakan semua...mai kami cuci n anda bayaq....
antara maklumat tempat n pkul bpa berlangsung seperti tertera di bawah....
jam :10 pgi- 10 mlm
tempat :PRO BROS
Jalan Kristal AS7/A5, Seksyen 7,
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
mai kita pakat-pakat cuci kereta bagi menghelip
kita jumpa di sna....:)
how cruel he is
finally he did reply my text
he said
"awk,igt sy x de perasaan ke? kn sy dh ckp sy btol2 sygkn pon x mnx jdi mcm ni.dh bnda jdi mcm ni. xp bgs jgak jdi mcm ni. at least awk x 2nggu sy dh"
and my tears turun tanpa henti....:'(
then again,i put aside my ego n i did said
"sy msih sygkn awk"
then he said
"honey,it's over oke?"
then i cried until i fall asleep...
in that night,
sy termimpikan dia
and again
sy bgn tido pgi tu n sy menangis lagi.
sy x thu smpi bila saya akan menangis.
apa yang saya pasti
saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk tidak menangis for orang yang berlaku kejam pada saya.
duhai hati!
kenapa degil sangat!
just let him go!
he did not love me anymore
i am not his future anymore
kenapa hati ni degil sgt!
kenapa nak harap pada yang tak sudi?
October 14, 2011
if only i have another options....
this is my expression of feelings towards you....
thank you for the sweet moments that you ever had gave me.
i do appreciate them!
bye my love...
i don't want miss a thing
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
'Cause I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing
October 13, 2011
esaimen yg smkin byk...sikap malas yg smkin melampau
-movie review
-psychology for crime among teenagers : a study of juvenile cases in Malaysia
gov politic and public relations
-newspaper analysis
-term paper
-interview with pr practitoner or press secretary or politicians
comm law
-cyber law
corporate pr
-SWOT analysis n pr Plan about NKRA
-social media
writing of pr
-keje dia bg msa dlm class(so akn di assess every week)
3rd language
-video arab
-persembahan kreatif
media diffusion and innovation
-slide presentation
-big event
cepatlah wat esaimen yg tertunggak 2....
ok bye~~
nk wat esaimen
October 12, 2011
tq because always be by my side :)
for your information,last week was the WORSE week ever for me....
i can also called my heartbroken week...
but Alhamdulillah,with some support from family and friends,i can handle that feeling wisely...
thanks to my mama n abah because give me unstoppable advise and also do support they do understand my feeling and try their best to deal with my unstable feeling...THANK YOU MAMA N ABAH...I LOVE BOTH OF YOU...<3
for gmah,jiha,una,sida,belle,azan n ika
thank u because always encourage me to get through this life.because always make your shoulder always free for me to cry on...thanks girls...because of u i know what the true meaning of friendship....<3
to pokcik kayo...
thanks because do call me and make me calm and always make your ears free to hear all of my sad always being the most understanding friend. thanks pokcik...because of you,i know that not all guys are the stupid damn prove it that you are not one of them...:)
to YOU (you know i was talking about you)
thanks because always make you have ample time to hear my sigh and always make my life wonderful with you are around. thank you because always give me positive paradigm to be applied on. thank u because make my life great...:)
to all of u....i feel very lucky because i am in love with all of you...:)
thank u :)
October 8, 2011
city plaza n us
i went to the toilet and cried alone there
that place make me remember everything about him...
i have to let you go!
i might be too stupid
after what he done 2 me
i have to admit
i am still love him
because the mistake that he does was never across in my mind
i put my trust on him
i put the high hope towards him
he is my happy ending
all of that is only on my behalf...
and for him
i am nothing
yes he said!
he just play around with the others
i am his only one!
but if he put myself as his only one
why must he find someone else
my heart still love him even after he said that things
so i asked him
did he want to persuade me to accept him back?
did he will promise that he will not do all of these mistakes AGAIN?
did he have any hopes towards this relationship
but the answer is NEGATIVE...
i am stupid
after what he does
why i am still try to give the chances for him?
am i never tired being hurt?
the answer is
i still love him
but loving him that does not means i want everything being restart again...
there is the only options i have
thanks for give this "present" to me
i let u go!
live ur life
before this only i am who struggle to preserve this rship.
if only i can turn the clock back
there is IF i can turn the clock around
as i woke up this morning
i am telling myself
i have to try even that will take a long time to forget u!
thank u~~
September 26, 2011
unbearable missing feeling towards him
September 1, 2011
Satu hari di hari raya
makanan eksotik yg x bpa nk eksotik
nk tnya
u ollz pnah mkn x mknan2 yg tersenarai di bawah
-ayam peru(btul ke ejaan nie)
n apa2 yg mcm plik skit la
klu u ollz mkn....nk tnya la...mcm mn ek mkn smua ni?sbb dat day sy ad try nk mkn kambing xp bla tgk abah sy mkn,sy tgk mcm ssah ja....x thu mna nk cri sy btalkan hsrat sy...eheehehhehe
sila2 la kongsi
sekian...jmpa utk post akn dtg
August 30, 2011
berblogging d pagi raya
salam 2 all of u...
sorry ler lma x update blog....bknnya ap sbuk skit bla dkt2 msa nk rya ni...dgn 'masa kritikal' yg smkin terhad dsb...
sebagai seorang anak yang baik(acewahh...msuk bakul angkat sdri)...a week before rya ni sy menggunakan msa sy spenuhnya untuk mengemas umah bagi menyambut aidilfitri...eehehhehe...
mla2 sy n sibblings wat operasi 2kar curtain dlu...hbs curtain stu umah kami 2kaq....dr pg smpi pkul 4.30 ptg bru hbs...
the next day smpan ruang tamu n recycle bnda2 yg nk recycle....
after dat sy kemas dapur n luar umah...akhirnya on sunday 2 alhamdulillah semua keja dh siap
ni smua hsil kerjasama sibling2 jgak iaitu my sis n my adik, bak kta wonder pet
dengan menggunakan that tagline kami pon menyimpan n mengemas umah dgn jayanya....
pas2 semalam, sy n my mom "main msak2" dkt dapur lak msak utk hri rya....dgn keadaan luar yg hujan n sehuk mmg agak menguggat iman kami berdua untuk wat keja n finally alhamdulillah, rendang ayam n kari kambing dh pon siap...ehehehh
hbs je brbka posa maghrib semalam, sy n my parents kuar cri mini bolster utk sofa kayu jati yg mama n abah bru bli round 11 lbih 2 akrhnya mini bolster yg dcri dh pon jmpa
insyaAllah, esok sy akn upload gambonya yer...mklumla mlm2 ni mlas gla nk jdi jurufoto...
sebenarnya x de kaitan pon but since x dak ajuk,bedal je la derrr....eheheeh...ehem2...actually nk gtaw...currently jam 2.45am sy msih berjga n berblogging lg...adoiyaiiii....Amni! tdo la...esk nk rya....
so kwn2
selamat hari raya ,maaf zahir dan batin pada semua
mohon ampun dan maaf kalau ada tersalah kta n terpincang bicara...sesungguhnya saya insan biasa....ekekkeke
bt mereka2 yang BERSALAH dgn sy...jgn rsau sy maafkan anda2 smua n sy akn cba lupakan smuanya wpun sy ni x la pemaaf sgt...but my mama always said :"dgn memaafkan orang,kita akn dpt byk ketenangan n rezeki dlm hidup "
so, den toraiii lorrr.... 2 u ollz....gudnite n enjoy your raya,....
p/s :
-utk mama n abah n family
- Mr syg n family Mr Syg
-Miss gmah meow2 n Family
-Miss Jia n family
-Miss yunna weng2 n Family
-Miss Kmie n family
-Pokcik n Family
daaa~~jmpa lgi utk post akn dtg

August 23, 2011
Allah only choose Some people
tak kira la dugaan mcm mn pon but setiap dr kta will face it sma ad kecik dugaan 2 atau pon besar...
mgkn pda sesetengah orang dugaan yang menimpa seseorang itu kecik ja sbb bahu yang memikul lagi terasa peritnya...
but kita mesti ingat
berat atau tidak sesuatu dugaan itu bukan la di dalam penilaian manusia tetapi sebenarnya Allah telah tetapkan 'piawaian' ketabahan sesorang itu sebelum Allah berikan dugaan kepda kita
bak kata mama sy..."apabila Allah ingin menjadikan kita seorang yang HEBAT maka Allah bg dkt kita pelbagai dugaan untuk kita tempuhi sebelum kita mampu bergelar orang yang HEBAT"
sedikit sebanyak kata2 itulah yang menjadi perangsang saya sehingga ke hari ni
dear reader,
sebenarnya sedar atau tidak,setiap dari kita mempunyai kekuatan yang berbeza.setengah orang mempunyai kekuatan dri segi emosi whereas setengah orang sempunyai kekuatan dr sgi tenaga...
sebenarnya setiap kekuatan itu hanya "pinjaman" dari Allah semata-mata...bila msanya Allah ingin menguji iman kita, maka nikmat itu ditarik sedikit demi sedikit...dan apabila ujian itu telah habis maka Allah akn pulangkan blik nikmat tersebut.
setiap kali saya meghadapi dugaan, saya akan ceritakan pda mama saya kerana di situ adanya kekuatan saya...mama adalah someone yang mampu tenangkan saya...let me give you one example
melalui post sy yg td, sy kongsikn sdikit dgn mama sy...xp sy x kn kongsikn semuanya sbb bkn prinsip sy "mencanang" masalah yang tidak sepatutnya mama selesaikan...justeru mama memberikan saya satu nasihat
"jangan kita merasa marah terhadap apa yang orang buat terhadap kita, sebab bila kita marah, kita juga yang akan menanggung sakit sedangkan orang yang menyakitkan hati kita mampu hidup tenang setelah melukakan hati kita...banyakkan zikrullah kerana itu adalah santapan untuk hati kita dari menjadi seorang yang pemarah.ingat orang yang cepat marah,senang masuk neraka,dan mama x mau anak mama masuk neraka...cekalkan hati...kerana bukan semua orang diberi peluang untuk menjadi bahan "gossip" dan mendapat pahala free"
setelah itu sambil menggosok pakaian kerja mama, saya terfikir sebentar atas apa yang mama kta dekat saya...and mmg ada kebenarannya..sbb stp x sy mrah dgn org sy x kn blh tidor sbb terlalu mrah...
and sy lbh tenang....
Ya Allah terima kasih kerana memilih aku sebagai salah seorang hamba-Mu yang menerima segala dugaan dan terima kasih kerana mengurniakan aku seorang mama yang mampu menjadi penawar tika marahku....
sekian dan berjumpa lagi untuk post yg akn dtg
August 22, 2011
learn to judge urself first!
today i am very upset
yes!really upset
dimulakan crta on21 st aug sy ad update blog psal anniversarry sy n mr syg...pas2 sy kongsikn link tersebut di fb sy,tetiba ad sorg "abg" ni...komen yg sy anggp mcm menghina hnya bls dgn stu emotikon n dia hnya reply dgn's really make me offended oke...
tapi sy mengambil masa untuk dri sy untuk maafkan beliau...justeru msa dia komen post yg sy share mngenai sy n abah sy diam shja...i think silence have 1000 answer...
pas2 sy update stu gmbr antra sy, gmah n shirah...and again he drop a comment and he says muka mcm nk terkentut
do you considered that as a joke?
bila msa pulak aku berlwak that things dgn u...
yes!i admit sy pnah berlwak bnda2 mcm 2 dgn people yg ONLY CLOSE with me
i repeat
and then mlm nya tu dia text sy n mtk sy bca blog rep n kta sy da bca n msa 2 sy x thu pon ad news post...n then dis evening sy pon bkk blog dia...
n sy bca n i know that post ditujukn pda sy oke?
i'm not stupid
sorry la...awk x knal sy oke...klu awk knal sy awk x kn tulis post mcm 2 tnpa sedar ap sbnrnya slh awk...
then sy tulis stu status...
and yg sdihnya people pling rpt dgn sy pon komen n kta dkt sy...
its not about that people tp tba2 that same guy komen n skli lagi mengecam sy!
sy x ksah sgt psal ap that guy nk kta dgn sy sbb that guy pon x pnh jmpa sy lgi...
seriously sy mmg tgh pissed off skg...lntak la org nk ckp apa psal sy jnji sy knal dri thu dri sy...n sekurang2 nya sy x pnh bkk peluang utk org ktuk org2 yg terdekat dgn sy
well done "abg"!
u do ur part "well"
prinsip aku...aku xkan bg orang yg dkt2 dgn aku kecik hati selagi dia x mengecilkan hati aku...ingat aku ni pon manusia...bukan robot...aku pon ada perasaan
sy x pnah pksa spa2 untuk drop comment or like ke klu u x ley bg good comment so stop giving offensive comment oke?
sy tak penah ganggu hidup orang n i do hope awk x gnggu idup aku...lman sosia utk cri kwn bknnya msuh..and one more thing sy x pnah memilih kedudukan,darjat n pngkt utk sesiapa menjadi kwn sy d plih org yg sy rsa x kn HARRASS far sy x pnh receive any humilated comment...and one more thing every comments maybe sound joke to you but so sorry, this time its sound annoying oke?
sy blh respect awk sbgi sorg yg lbh tua dr sy n i do hope u do the same
SY PON ADA MARUAH...n klu sy update bnda yg x dak kna mgena dgn awk,klu awk rsa awk nk drop offensive comment,bk awk x yah drop any comment oke...
sy mmg x matang justeru sy tulis post ni...SAMA MCM AWK BUAT PDA SY...
August 21, 2011
cerita sy n abah
abah :chik, stg msak kuah parpu 2 noh...
sy :ok abah...xp nk gna rempah ap?
abah :gna rempah kuning...yg hr 2 ad g x?
sy :ehhehee...da hbs abah...
abah pon menaiki motornya n ke kdai utk mmbeli rempah kuning yg dimksdkn
abah :nah chik (smbil meghulurkn beg plastik)
sy pon dgn khusyuknya merebus kacang dhal n wat kerja 'pre production' iaitu kupas bwg n etc...
after a moments
sy :abah...mna rempah kuning yg abah bli?
abah ada dlm 2...cb tgk
sy :cba abh mai tgk
abah :ehehehe...abh slh bli kunyit...xpala pki rempah ikan dlu...
heheeh...abah mmg suka wat lwak ujang msa bln2 posa nie...ahahhahaah
August 14, 2011
things to do when ur upset
Here are some ideas to help kick a rotten day to kingdom come…
Do something good for someone else, even though you may not want to. Do a favour, help them find something, give them an item which will help them in some way. Start the flow of positive energy.
Eat the best chocolate you can get your hands on. In bed. Or in the bath(bath ni x pyh la....)
Turn up music you really love. Play it so loudly that it soaks in through your skin. Dance in your pyjamas. Feel the pain lift.
Have a romance in your head.
Buy a remote control for your camera & dip your toes into the pool of narcissism.
Call a friend & ask them if they want to have a slumber party(ermm....x yah bdya brt).
Throw yourself head-first into a creative project. Something that you’re excited about but which feels a little too big for you. You’ll be so consumed by it that it will fuel you for ages.
Do the splits. Or at least try. (Be gentle though!)
Sing. Loudly. Badly. Off-key. Whatever you like. It works. The last time I was on my way somewhere really nerve-wracking, I was in a cab. The radio was playing & I was so anxious that the only way I could distract myself was by singing along. Loudly. The driver probably thought I was a total nut but I didn’t care & it did the trick!
Cover your entire body in cocoa butter & fall asleep.
Drink 2 litres of fizzy drink (pop, soda, you know) & stay up until sunrise(jgn cmpur2 gak yg piap trus nnty).
Write a list of things that you appreciate right now, in the present moment. Focus on each of them & let the love inside you well up. Even when things appear to be going really, really badly, there are always things to be happy about. (That’s one of the reasons why we do Things I Love Thursday — to help bring your attention back to the positive.)
Indulge in your “guilty pleasures”, whatever they are. (Old episodes of America’s Next Top Model, ginger ale, chocolate cake, romantic comedies, etc.)
Send a text message to one of the most interesting people you know — maybe someone you don’t know that well, just to say hello.
Order delivery food, just to bask in the glory of the fact that if you pay people, they will come to your door. With food. Warm, good food. What an age we live in, huh?
Look through old photos. With a friend if possible. If it’s an old friend, you can reminisce (“Oh my god, do you remember when we did that?!”), & if it’s a new friend, you can tell grand stories (“Well, let me tell you about this guy…”).
Listen to old Motown hits. Come up with dance moves. Wear something sparkly & work it out. (DJ Z-Trip’s Motown Breakdown is an excellent time, too.)
Write a gruellingly personal entry for your blog dissecting every aspect of the situation which has upset you so much. Post it, don’t post it, whatever, just get it out of your system.
Plan a holiday.
Write a ridiculous online dating profile & marvel at the people who come out of the woodwork. (“Oh, a threesome with you & your wife in New Jersey? Sign me up!”)
Spend an hour in your variety store of choice, set yourself a budget ($20?) & buy some junk. Lip treatments, candy, maybe an exfoliating scrub… Then go home & play with your new purchases. There’s a reason it’s called retail therapy, you know (though of course, it doesn’t last).
Wear a fake moustache all day.
Think up nicknames for all your friends, then send them each postcards to alert them.
Think back on the last really good sex you had. Think about it for an hour. Then do something else.
Go out for a milkshake.
Appreciate the dinosaur bones at your favourite museum.
Grab a friend, dress up like tourists & go & do all the really schlocky things on offer in your city. Take LOTS of photos, & be sure to flash the peace sign in 70% of them.
Stick little crystals on something you use every day. (Wallet, light-switch, key-ring, boots?)
Buy a new pair of sunglasses or non-prescription frames. It’s a super-easy (& often relatively cheap) way to evolve your look. Plus sunglasses make for excellent on-the-fly disguises.
Go to a yoga class. Surrender & breathe deep.
Put on your favourite pair of high heels & walk up & down your bedroom/hallway doing your best Miss J impersonation. Have a friend or neighbour who is willing to humour you offer critique. “Girl, you walk like a busted-down freight-train.”
Write multiple lists of everything you want. Material possessions, relationships, work, lifestyle, everything. Pin them up by your door so you see them all the time.
Go through Urban Dictionary & find some fun/ridiculous new words to add to your vocabulary.
Make yourself the biggest ice-cream sundae you’ve ever seen. Decorate it with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles, nonpareils, whatever you like. Take a photo. Give it a name (“Jane’s Orgasmatron Cardiac Arrest Sundae”). Devour. Maybe without using your hands. Take a photo of that too.
Get your eyebrows shaped(jgn ubah ciptaan Allah).
Spend an hour in a department store sniffing perfume samples. When you find something you like, spray it on a card & drop it in your purse.
Try break-dancing.
Watch videos of flamboyant, successful people like Elton John or Michael Jackson & marvel.
Eat animal crackers(don't try this at home).
Drink through a straw all day. If you get your hands on a straw which matches your outfit, so much the better.
Plan a party with a theme that makes you feel really, really happy.
Write a letter to yourself in the future. Then hide it. Maybe in the pocket of a coat you never, ever wear.
Leave the house wearing just fabulous lingerie underneath a coat. With heels. (Note: if you are a man you may get accused of being a flasher if you do this. The world is cruel sometimes.)
Pull a Kid CuDi & announce your retirement from the world of something. Like cooking, or vocal communication. Announce your unretirement whenever you feel like it.
Buy a harmonica & annoy the hell out of everyone while you learn how to play it.
Go wig shopping.
Choose a festival (SXSW? Burning Man? Coachella? Wave-Gotik-Treffen?) to go to, invite some friends, & start making plans.
Add diamantes to your manicure.
Hula hoop.
Buy some really good art for your walls. Posters, prints, original artwork or other. If you’re feeling impoverished, go to the library, check out some art books, then take huge, great quality photocopies at a copy shop.
Listen to Never Better by P.O.S. from start to finish & revel in what a great album it really is.
Load up your ipod & go for a walk through your favourite park.
Visit a cool toy store & make your friend a surprise package.
Reach out to the people who inspire you but who don’t know you exist.
Write the birthdays of your personal heroes in your planner & work out a way to honour them on that day.
Colour your hair. (erkkkk....x yah la dye rmbut...rmbt yg kt ad 2 yg pling baik taw)
Notice where you hold tension in your body, & let it go.
Visit some kind of religious institution & observe a service.
Bake heart- or bunny-shaped cookies. Give them away.
Be graceful.
Be graceless.
Make a video diary.
Answer questions with questions.
Try on a pair of really, really expensive shoes & act like you’ll be back tomorrow, but you’re just going to go home & think about it. (Bonus points: take a photo of you in them. Often you will need to be stealthy about this but it’s worth doing.)
Record yourself trying to recite the alphabet while vigorously brushing your teeth.
Flirt with entirely inappropriate people(yg ni cri nahas nmanya).
Sing into your friend’s answering machine. (If you’re in the USA & use Slydial, it will take you straight to their voicemail.)
Pour pancakes in the shape of your initials. Eat them while watching aerobics on television.
Make friends with your neighbours.
Think about how great it would be to name a shaggy dog “Toupee”.
Go to an audition just for the experience.
Tell someone cute, “You’re cute”.
Sit in a sauna with a stack of fashion magazines & sweat it out.
Find a secret place with a great view. Like a tree, or a rooftop, or a hill.
Go & see a musical (or just rent one).
Be optimistic.
Buy ridiculous slippers.
Make a list of the things you want to do to celebrate the upcoming season.
Lie down in the sunshine.
Pretend to be a dancer in a music video as you perform mundane tasks. Jiggle your way from the bathroom to the kitchen, shake it while you wait for your toast to pop, booty bump while you pick an outfit.
Go to an aquarium & take photos of the jellyfish.
Watch movies you used to love as a child.
Book a karaoke room with friends & sing your heart out.
Make a list of practical, actionable ways you can improve your situation.
Start keeping a dream journal & write down their supposed meanings, too.
See if you can develop an appreciation for a band or a style of music you’ve never liked before.
Write a play.
taken from