June 17, 2011

di kala aku menaruh harapan :(

salam 2 all of u
today result for mt 1st semester in degree kua...
ulasan sy?

puas hati amni?
pdn muka!
main2 lagi....

but i keep pjuk myself...sy dh usaha sedaya mungkin...semuanya sy dh buat.berdoa pon sudah...xp jika yang tu tersurat utk saya,saya redha...

opps jgn slh fhm...result sy bkn la worst cma SIPI2 nk mampus g DL...frust taw x?
but Alhamdulillah...sy llus smua subjek dgn cemerlang....pling truk pon dpt B- utk subjek comm theory...

tak taw nk describe mcm mn.ms convo hr 2 ad la berangan2 nk pki jubah dgn selempang pink(wpun sy x ska pink)but now rsa mcm dak hrpan dh.but sy taw...klu sy x dak rzki nk dpt ANC pon xpa...i still ley struggle for 1st class degree

yg lepas biarkan berlalu...
esok masih ada
bersedih tidak dapat mengubah apa2 keputusan yang mutlak.
sesungguhnya Allah menjanjikn ganjaran utk Hamba-Nya yang bersabar...
akalu x dpt d dunia
insyaAllah Allah akn bg kt akhirat.pling pnting.jgn sedey...

p/s :ni luahan hati sy..spa nk bca,bca la...spa x nak boely blahhh...aku x pksa pon...

mood :jiwa kacau

June 11, 2011

the song that he gave 2 me...

It's so hard to say that I'm sorry, I'll make everything alright
All these things that I've done now what have I become
And where'd I go wrong
I don't mean to hurt, just to put you first
I won't tell you lies (I'm sorry)
I will stand accused with my hand on my heart
I'm just trying to say

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

I know that I can't take back all of the mistakes
But I will try
Although it's not easy, I know you believe me, 'cause I would not lie
Don't believe their lies, told through jealous eyes, they don't understand (I'm sorry)
I won't break your heart, I won't bring you down
But I will have to say

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

June 10, 2011

is it a kind of proposal?

i was texting with him tonite...and here was the sms consist

ps :dayat is him while...na for me...

na :abg nk taw x bru2 ni ada makcik berkenan dgn syg nk wat menantu....ehehhe

dayat :aik?spa lak?

na :ada la...

dayat :haha...klu nk bleh...tp katok abg smpi lembik dlu la...haha

na :hehe...awat lak kna katok abg?pas2 bru2 ni ada org usik syg....skli kwn syg kta yg syg nk tunang dah pdhal blajaq pon x hbs g...hahhaaha

dayat :hehe...erm...tp pk2 blik,taun dpn bleh?

na : syg oke ja....abg la...hahahaah

dayat :hehe...tkut x mau ja...nk kmpul duit dlu...pas2 nk wat loan ckit...

na :spa kta x mau...xp kna rncg trikh leklok...tkt kna tme syg praktikal lak.

dayat :kita tunang sebulan ja kot..tp mcm lma sgt plak...ni plan ja dlu...dok arap duit loan ja ni tau...jgn cta kt abah n mama lgi...segan abg nnty...ehhehhehe

na :mknanya kta tunang sebulan pas2 kawen?

dayat :yala...x mau?

na :bkn mcm 2...syg x ksah..xp awat ttba ja?dh ready ke?

dayat :a'ah...lgpon kta smkin tua

na :amboi...ayat mcm atok2...td bru duk sembang dgn mama...mama tnya bla nk kawen...pas2 siap kta g ms mama n akk umo syg dh ada anak sorg dh....ahahhaahha

dayat :hehe...ckp kt mama...x lma dh aih

na :ehhehe..tq abg sbb wat syg sengih sorg2 mcm org x btul...

dayat :aik?awat lak?

na :sbb syg 2nggu abg sbt bnda ni dh lma dlm keadaan serius...

dayat :blwek...abg sja nk kawen cpt kot...eheeh

na :sbb ap ek?sbb x sbq nk dkung anak sdri ka?

dayat :tu 1 sbb...ehehhe

na :lagi?

dayat :x mau org kebas syg....heehhe

and i want to ask all of u...is it a kind of proposal?if yes...nervousnyaaaa i....huhuhhhuhu


June 8, 2011

i'm 22 already....

salam 2 all of u n salam 1 malaysia....ahahhahahahah....

on 7 jun a.k.a yesterday was my buzzday....it was pleasant and blast one...Alhamdulillah....on Allah bless i am finally 22 on this year...
first of all i wat to say thank u 2 Allah for giving me chance to keep on living
secondly i want to say thank u to my parents for raising me up especially to my mother for delivered myself 22 years ago...
to my bestfren hazimah salihah n her sister for coming to kedah from johor in order to visit my sis baby and also purposely celebrating my birthday.
to my sibbilngs and also to all of my friends wishing on my cell phone and also on my fb...thanks a lot

lots of love...:)

June 7, 2011

selamat pengantin baru!

di sini sy jgk nk wish selamat pngntin bru kpda kakak kmie a.k.a kak Dayah n suami...sy hrp akk n suami berpuas hati dgn hasil kerja sy yg x seberapa...mklumla sy kn bdak bru blajaq...ngeh2...

n kpda kmie n family...thanks a lot..i do enjoy ms kt umah kmie...

p/s :sy upload gmbr sedikit utk tatapan anda2 sekalian...


June 6, 2011

Puteri Nur Amanina Balqis

salam 2 all of u
for ur information my sister dah selamat melahirkan bby girl..alhamdulillah..sgala2nya berjln dgn lncar wpun at the bsginning doctor ckp nk operate....mklumla hospital swasta kn..more to profit....but alhamdulillah...sgla2nya berjln dgn lncr...:)

June 1, 2011

menyampah dengan manusia yang suka ganggu hak asasi orang!

hye u ollz....opps salam u ollz...
today sy nk share psal stu makluk ni...makhluk ni manusia oke?
dont get me wrong.

ada stu hr 2 dia wat status duk ktuk2 aku sbb aku x app dia...xp yg aku plik aku x app pon dia xp mcm mn status dia ley msuk news feed aku?ini yg aku x taw ni...pelik btul fb la ni...pas2 dgn jyanya dia pon mem pm sy n mnx sy approvekn dia.sy ckp la ats dsar apa sy kn app dia
p/s :bkn sbb nk kerek oke xp dia ni pnah nk flirt ngn mr syg...jdi klu u ollz jdi sy pon u ollz x kn nk app kn?biol la klu app gak...mmg cri nahas la...

pas2 dia wat status kta sy ni wat style la...msalhnya sy x yah wat style sbb mmg sy dh style pon....ahahahah...perasan seh!

pas2 dia kt sy bajet hot...msalhnya mmg sy tgh hot dgn dia.x yah nk bajet2 dh....ahahahhahaha

pas2 dia kta...igt aku kelapaq sgt dgn pkwe ang!hello bitchy!klu ang x terign yg ang duk htq msg menggatai kt dia 2 apa kejadahnya.opps tercarot lak...dunt try this at home yar...pas2 dgn jyanya pnah menggatai...pliz la weh....byk g mamat2 single.klu ang x ley jmpa meh aku nk rekomen....

haishhh ska mnggngu hak asasi org sungguh....

p/s: 2 u....yes u bitch!memandangkan aku dh block ang n ang pon slalu stalk blog aku kn?jdi aku pon tulis post ni khas utk ang...bkn slalu aku tulih ni....kt ang 'special' skit sbb ang gatai mcm kucen ng mengawan...kucen nk mengawan pon taw nk kawal nafsu dr ang 2....ahahhahaha
