1st of all sy nk ucapkn selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yg ke 53 tahun...
rpa2nya da 53 tahun kta merdeka....
mgkn bg kta (i mean young generation) yg lahir ms pasca merdeka x kn rs ap bla sbt psal merdeka.that's why there still a lot of people, bla mlm countdown ja wat projek,g clubbing sna sni....
is this one of the way to show the'merdeka' among us?
but it is different with older generation yg lhir ms pra kemerdekaan...they know the sweetenest of the independence lands. becoz only God and they are know how they fight in order to free our land from the british and penjajah2 lain lagi.
maybe all of u akn ckp mcm ni bla sy ckp yg actually the young generation is still dijajah scra mentalitinya,
"ek eleh minah ni,ang pon speak eng,klu nk tnjuk sgt smngt nationalisme,speak malay la"
but i have the different perception....
for me we need to know others language in order to make us know what people outside there talking about us.
like ms zman abbassiyah dlu,
mcm mn abbasiyyah dlu blh jtuh?
stu je sbbnya
sbb ad nya org luar yg menuntut ilmu dan bljr di abbasiyah....
the moral is
~sejarah da mengajar kita,tetapi kenapa kita masih tidak mengambil ikhtibar?~
renung2 kan...
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