just nk share....
lately x taw knp sy rndu gila ngn kehidupan ms kt kolej dang anum....
wlu pon smua aktvty wjib trun bur by participating in that acyivity make us become unite...
plg sy rndu roomate2 yg lain...
zila,ila,zureen of cos....gmah pon rndu gak but since dduk serumah x rndu sgt la....hahahaaah
miss my pondok2 hubby -kmie torres
n my children,zureen,lieza,dila n farah jugak....
miss ms mkn nasi lemak budak jambu rmi2 2...
rndu gila
kuar mkn kt da bomb....
i miss everything about the previous one...
ye la
mn x nya
5 sem kot stay dlm
for 3 sem prtama i am was unlucky enough sbb dpt sorg je rumate yg baik...lg 2org g ok la...xp stay x kamcheng...
n ms sem 4 n sem 5 mmg best...
sbb dpt rumate yg best...
x thu nk describe mcm mn...
rsau gak bla pkir mcm mn life ms degree nnty...
ley ke dpt rumate n geng2 mcm ni lgi???
hope smuanya dipermudahkn utk sy
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