rsnya dh lma x update buzy yg terlampau...ngeh2....
ok today sy nk bercerita psal g bbq dgn classmate....actually sy g last week ms hr sabtu but nk wat cena kn trlalu sbuk smpi skg bru ad masa nk bercrta...

me,bun,dalin,sarah n fadhil
ok back 2 story...
awl2 pgi sabtu sy dh bgn n siap2...pas2 nor a.k.a ktua projek msg sy gtaw yg bla diaorg dh grak nk pick up sy n mimi(as sy n mimi je yg dduk kolej) dia akn txt sy...
pas2 sy dpt phone col dr sorg class mate...tnpa tnya spakah gerangan d sna(chewahh) pon kompiden je up8 mimi n gtaw yg warith dtg nk amik...ehhehehe
pas2 tba num yg sma col lgi...dia tnya "amni,spa yg ckp warith dtg amik?"
sy pon ckp la "warith la yg col tdi"
n org 2 pon jwb "ni joe la"ehhhhehe
ooopssss....misscommunication d pon ckp la sorry sbb suara joe n warith lbh krg n sy kompius dgn sora diaorg...ehehheeh....ok sy pon text mimi n gtaw ad misscommunication d c2 which is mmg slh sy sbb x tnya spa yg col mla2 2...ehheheh...nsb mimi memahami...thanks mimi....:) ni gmbr sy dgn mimi...

pas2 joe pon smpi n after dat grak la g bkt cerakah a.k.a tmpt n bbq 2...honestly this is 1st time pnya bbq sy dgn bdak2 class sbb ms diploma dlu sy n classmate x berkesempatan nk g bbq but we did playing futsal...damn!how i miss that moment but i love this moment...

(p/s :jgn tnya knp sy sengih mcm 2 sbb sy pon x thu knp sy sengih mcm 2)
sememangnya bbq bersama2 classmates ni mmg happening sbb sy sgt2 hve fun dgn kwn2 ni la nmpk prgi gila2 bdak2 class 100%...i think we should do it again...
walau pun this is my 1st semester dgn classmate but alhamdulillah penerimaan bdak2 class trhdp sy mmg di luar jangkaan saya which is i really appreciate that...tq all of u....hope this ukhuwah berkekalan hingga bila2....amin.... ^-^
wif all of be<3 classmate yg dtg bbq

jmpa lgi utk post akn dtg :)
sekian :)
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