August 20, 2013

macam-macam cerita nak habaqq!!!

Salam  dear readers.
phewww,rsanya dh berbulan lmanya x update blog tercinta ni.

so just nk share yg now i'm already move in to sabah.
so bersesuaian dengan caption di atas, i iwill told all of u perkembangan diri sy slama brada di perantauan ni.

first of all, sy dh berkonvo, Alhamdulillah. so on my graduation day my parents in law and my dear husband dtg utk menyaksikan hari bersejarah berkenaan. (chewaahhh,skematik lak aku). since msa 2 mama tgh prepare for mama's final exam for her 4th semester so, mama tak dapat attend my convocation and abah pulak tak dapat attend convocation sbb abh nak bagi sokongan moral dkt mama. ye la, mama dengan abah kn ibarat sepasang subang,mana blh pkai sebelah je, gay blh la pkai sebelah.

so, i just bring my parents in law and my husband utk attend my convocation. for me its okay la my parents x dpt attend pn xpe since my parents in law and husband ad pn dh memadai. parents in law pn harus disayangi seperti parents sendiri. ingat 2!. bila dh kawen tak boleh bezakan kasih sayang our own parents dgn parents in law. kna treat sma rata. (wah,berceramah lak aku)

secondly, nk share yg my beloved brother officially dh engaged. on 22nd may my brother dh tunang dgn bkal adik ipar i yg gorgeous. to be honest, dlm byk2 my brother's ex ni for me my future adik ipar ni paling comel n cun. plus perangai dia pn okay n hormat orang tua. most prominently sy boleh nampak yg dia ni mmg ikhlas sygkan adik sy 2. so i just want my brother happy n i got the instinct that maybe INTAN SOFINA SAAD is the best girl can made him happy. haa, 2 la nma bakal adik ipar sy ye.

so, for the first time jgak sy mengubah hantaran utk adik sy. mulaa2 cuak juga tetapi sebab tarikh prtunangan dipinda diawalkan 9hari so kesian dgn mak teh sy nnty rushing nk wat hantaran. so sy bncg dgn hubby, dear hubby say its okay, kta try je bt. mjur la jdi jgak wpun x secantik hntran yg mak teh buat. so adik untuk wedding bgi mk teh buat sbb mak teh hanim is the best dalam buat hantaran, pelamin n persiapan2 utk perkahwinan, so pda sesiapa yg masih mncari pengubah hantaran, mak andam utk hias pelamin n tempat tido n eja beradab pengantin blh roger sy n sy akn bg contact number mak teh hanim. 100% satisfaction guarantee. upah pn affordable.

okay that's all for now. enjoyed the pictures. =)

hantaran the blue one from our side. yg digubah oleh sy n husband.hehe

okay gtg...jmpa lagi utk post akan dtg...daaa~~~

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